Mafilm Audio

Mafilm Audio schützt sich vor Datenverlusten auf macOS Computern mit der Endpoint Protector Hardware Appliance

 MAFILM AUDIO Kft. is the premier dubbing studio in Hungary. Annually, the studio is dubbing in Hungarian more than 100 feature films. The professional quality of their work is demonstrated also by the fact that the worldwide biggest studios (Universal-Paramount, DreamWorks, Sony-Pictures, Warner, 20th Century Fox and other independent studios) make their Hungarian synchronization at Mafilm Audio.

Die Herausforderung

In Hungary movies usually appear at the same time with the international premiere or with just a few weeks delay. Mafilm Audio receives the images and the phonogram of the movie even before the official premiere; the chances for those to leak are pretty high. “In this business, you can only make one mistake; no one receives a second chance, “ says Kalman Andras, the company´s General Director. Nowadays, the images and the phonogram of the movies get into the studio in digital format and in the same format they are transferred from one department to another. 

Small devices, but with big storage capacity (USB sticks, external HDDs) represent a simple solution to steal entire movies from the studio. It was pretty obvious that Mafilm Audio needed a Data Leakage Prevention solution.

Warum Endpoint Protector?
  • Bietet Schutz in einer macOS-Umgebung
  • Intuitive und nutzerfreundliche Bedienoberfläche
  • Ungarisch als Oberflächensprache verfügbar
  • Kundenspezifische Anpassung, um alte Macs mit Motorola CPU zu unterstützen
Die Lösung

Although the problem was obvious, the solution was hard to find because of Mafilm's Macintosh environment. The decision to deploy Endpoint Protector was easy to make since it accomplishes all their requirements: easy and fast implementation, control at any time of who, when and what is done in the network and control of file transfers from Macs to portable storage devices. 

Besides these data loss prevention capabilities, CoSoSys was able to offer to Mafilm Audio a customized version of Endpoint Protector as some of their Macs are equipped with Motorola CPUs and Endpoint Protector is primarily compatible with Intel CPUs. 

Endpoint Protector Hardware Appliance gives them flexibility since it provides a balance between security and work efficiency. The deployment was fast and thanks to the intuitive and user-friendly interface, the IT administrators didn´t have any problems working with it. Endpoint Protector’s availability in the Hungarian language was also a strong advantage.

Ich bin nun ruhiger, seit wir eine CoSoSys DLP-Lösung in Einsatz haben. Es ist gut zu wissen, dass es nicht einmal theoretisch möglich ist, mit Hilfe von USB-Sticks oder DVDs aus unserem Studio Original- oder synchronisierte Filme zu stehlen.
Executive Director Mafilm Audio
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