In den Medien

Eine Sammlung relevanter Artikel aus aller Welt mit Neuigkeiten über das Unternehmen und unsere Produkte (DLP | MDM | Verschlüsselung).

| 25-Sep-2015
| English

CoSoSys has now released Mobile Device Management (MDM) features for OS X. Organisations incorporating Macs through BYOD or by issuing Mac computers to the employees can now secure confidential data and manage these computers on different levels.

| 24-Sep-2015
| English

Data loss prevention technology that covers all popular mobile platforms and is easy to use and implement is called for as mobile strategies evolve. Mobile has entered business strategy from two directions. The business wants to grab the opportunity to better serve the mobile masses, while employees want to mobile devices as part of their work.

| 02-Sep-2015
| German

Server-based Computing und virtuelle Desktop-Infrastrukturen erschweren es, Datenverlust und -diebstahl zu erkennen. Deshalb überwacht der Endpoint Protector von Cososys jetzt auch die USB-Schnittstellen am Thin Client.

| 11-Aug-2015
| English

Shadow IT’ divides companies into IT department and the rest of the people, getting businesses are off to a bad start, warns Roman Foeckl, CEO of CoSoSys

| 22-Apr-2015
| English

Dozens of European security companies have made it onto a list of the hottest global security vendors, with Dutch firm AVG leading the way for Europe. The Cybersecurity500 was list was first launched in February and featured mainly US-based companies, but its second iteration - which came out this month - saw a flurry of European firms climb up the rankings.

| 21-May-2012
| German

Cloud-Speicher wie Dropbox, Google Drive, iCloud oder Microsoft Skydrive sind nützlich, bergen aber für Unternehmen das Risiko unerwünschten Datenabflusses. Ein neues DLP-Modul für den Endpoint Protector von CoSoSys soll diese Gefahr bannen.

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